Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Offer from Canada

Before anyone gets all riled up, today's blog is meant as good fun. As I said when I set down my own rules for blogging that I didn't really have many axes to grind -- and I don't. In the past week or so, however, I finally succumbed to the siren song of watching the Republican candidates yelling at each other. Whew! I'll be glad when all of that is over. And tonight we all get to listen to our President give the State of the Union Address. The evening news tells me that it's going to be populist in tone. I suppose that means our POTUS will have the advantage of his having his own podium and won't have to share it with any naysayers -- hopefully, this year without any on-air naysayers.

Well at any rate, today I watched a YouTube video from Canada. It sure stopped me in my tracks. At first I laughed, but then (and this is always dangerous) I started thinking. What if...

I do apologize for some of the language that exists in the video, and certainly for certain self-deprecating stereotypes that appear to also float through it. At any rate, I do think it's high time we start getting serious about who we really do want to run our country. We currently have a choice between blue and red, but just think if Canada joined in the fray. I won't go any further. You will have to decide for yourself. Think Maple Leaf.

So here it is: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BrhA0sEkuaM>. And please don't complain that you weren't forewarned. Your feedback will be appreciated.

Carry on,

Paul in Potsdam

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