Friday, February 3, 2012

Theatre Dumbed Down

Well, here's the verdict on The Woman in Black: two thumbs down. I liked Daniel Radcliffe in The Woman in Black. In fact, he may be, aside from the scenery, the best thing that can be said about the movie. To receive value you will have to travel to London and see it live at The Fortune Theatre.

The Woman in Black succumbed to an artless profit venture. I should have known. The unruly teeny-bopper crowd betrayed the film industry's intentions. It was nothing more than a knockoff of a genuine ghost story that has excited and titillated British audiences for more than three decades. How disappointing.

That said, it WAS scary. However, let me now comment on its stupidity. Why would I spend a night on a deserted island with a malicious zombie? No way! And why would I venture forth to the source of mysterious bumpings and thumpings in a haunted mansion on an isolated island? Just plain idiotic. As a solicitor, I would have hired a companion, found all the pertinent documents, put them into a trunk and gotten the hell out of there as quickly as possible. There is no bravery in challenging the supernatural. In Hollywood, the vapid writers always win. Also, as a solicitor, I would have done a little more research on my destination as well. It confirms my suspicion that Hollywood counts upon our stupidity, and aims its horror thrillers at juveniles. How sad and shameful! Ghost stories ARE a legitimate genre. Put another way, why would I bring my son to a certain death?

I did like the scenery, and the build-up of suspense was, I suppose, laudatory. Don't bother spending any more time with such idiotic drivel. Spend your time on genuine flicks. The film industry ruined a good play. Tomorrow, I plan on going back to the Roxy to see The Iron Lady, and I despised Margaret Thatcher. What I remember most about her was her line that that there would always be a need for "hewers of wood and carriers of water." It appears all she was lacking was a penis. But let me reserve further judgment...

Carry on,

Paul in Potsdam

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